Views on LWC – Hope Education student blogs on her time with us

Working with Liverpool World Centre over the last few weeks has been an amazing experience that I am so grateful for. Being able to work on many new skills as well as strengthening ones that I already have has been very beneficial to me and this placement has given me an opportunity to see what great work LWC is doing. I was lucky enough to attend a few school workshops with Neil Sledge, a member of LWC, this was an exciting experience for me as I hope to become a teacher in the near future. Whilst not everything always went to plan, Neil was experienced and prepared for everything. The students at the schools seemed very interested and excited to listen to these workshops, take part and report back to Neil what they had been learning about. These school visits were a fantastic way of observing how different activities work on different ages, the experience allowed me to become more familiar with my communication skills, talking to primary and secondary students about what they were interested in.
Although I was uneasy going into my first placement meeting with LWC, everyone made me feel so welcome, and most importantly valued my ideas for activities and worksheets. At the beginning of this placement, I did not think I would be doing anything of much value, however after completing it I realise that I have helped in so many small ways. By observing and documenting notes on Neil’s workshop sessions to explain what went well and what could have been better, as well as this I was able to make worksheets which will be used in future events. Working with LWC gave me a sense of pride, it prepared me for what it would be like after university in a job-type setting and was an overall great placement organisation.

Emily Matthews, February 2025