Our vision is for a just and sustainable world. Our mission is to be a catalyst for positive social change by sharing the benefits of global learning with as many people as possible.
We believe learning about global issues and adopting innovative thinking and methods from around the world empowers us all to work for a more hopeful future.
How we do this
We partner with young people, teachers, higher education institutions and organisations through workshops, events and training on global issues and global learning methods.
We work in an open, participatory way ensuring that people we work with feel supported and have their voices heard. We believe learning is a life-long process and we strive to make global learning relevant to all ages.
What is global learning?
Global learning helps us make sense of our complex world and develop an awareness of the impact of our own actions on others. Our work focuses on issues such as climate change, globalisation and inequality.
Global learning fosters:
critical and creative thinking / self-awareness and open-mindedness towards difference / understanding of global issues and the impact of actions on others / optimism and action for a better world
Liverpool World Centre is part of The Global Learning Network (previously the Consortium of Development Education Centres)