The objective of the British Educational Research Association (BERA) commission is to work with teachers and 16-18 year-olds to co-create a manifesto for Education and Environmental Sustainability (EfES) for secondary education in the UK.
Working with the University of York, Kings College London and partners from across the UK, Liverpool World Centre is taking part in workshops involving at least 100 16–18-year-olds and 30 teachers. The workshops will create opportunities to share experiences of, and visions for, EfES and will be analysed to generate a manifesto for EfES.
The manifesto will be co-authored by participants and launched in November 2021 to coincide with COP26, the UN climate change conference. It will create a stimulus for action on EfES based upon shared understandings, appreciations of difference, and tangible future actions.
How to contribute
The commission welcomes contributions from secondary teachers and young people aged 16-18 in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales at this stage. To find out more and sign up for an interactive workshop on what the future of education for sustainability could look like, visit: