RE-THINK: The Waste Revolution!

RE-THINK: The Waste Revolution!

Do you stop and consider the environmental impact of your mobile phone or of the clothes you wear?

Did you know? There are around 16 billion mobile phones in the world. That means more people in the world have a phone than a toilet. But only 3% of mobile phone users recycle their phone at the end of its use. There are up to 62 different metals in a mobile phone including 16 of the 17 rare earth elements, but according to the UN only 17% of the world’s e-waste is recycled.

Did you know? In terms of textile waste, over one sixth of adults throw their unwanted clothes in the bin instead of seeking a better way to dispose of them and 750,000 tonnes of Greenhouse Gas emissions were created by UK clothing returns in 2022.

Did you know? 48% of discarded food is still in its package when thrown away. 36 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions could be prevented by saving food from our bins in UK home.

To tackle these complex issues, we are working with Faiths4Change, local secondary schools, and local youth groups to to RE-THINK waste! With support from Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority Community Fund, this project goes beyond recycling, and unpacks ‘waste’ using a circular economy approach.

The project aims to develop the thinking, confidence and skills of youth leaders and teachers to enable them to change behaviours around consumption and waste. Centering three items (mobile phones, t-shirts and food), the project will create conversations which the young people can then extend into their schools or communities. One way the project will achieve this is by creating teams of peer-led waste educators who will help spread the word and get everyone thinking critically about consumption. And, finally, the project is hoping to empower young people to share their learning with leaders, local, regional and national, to ensure their voices are heard in the debates about living a greener future.

The poster below shows our offer to the schools we are working with.



Watch our website for information on how to access the new resources or get in contact if you would like more support tin your own school .





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