Research into Global Education with the European Educational Research Association

Critical Perspectives and Curricular Realities: Comparing Teachers’ Responses to a Pedagogical Tool for Global Education in Italy and the UK

Andrea Bullivant is leading this research project exploring how teachers in Italy and the UK understand Global Education (GE) and engage with alternate and critical perspectives on GE. To do this, the research team will be developing a pedagogical tool for critically reflecting on global issues and exploring teachers’ responses and how they might integrate such tools and critical approaches into their practice.

The research is shaped by the research team’s backgrounds in GE practice, their research into teacher and practitioner perspectives, and a shared journey of engaging with critical perspectives on GE and implications for practice. By drawing attention to teachers’ perspectives and different curricular contexts and realities, the aim is to address their absence in the literature. The research process will also be used to facilitate GE ‘spaces’ in which teachers can experiment with and reflect on alternative GE discourses, and develop their confidence and skills to incorporate more critical approaches into their practice.

For more information on this project, email