Work With Us

Make a world of difference. Work with us!

Liverpool World Centre is recruiting for a new Global Learning Projects Support Officer.

We are a small organisation with wide reach, aiming to be a catalyst for positive social change through our work with schools, universities, local communities, and national and international networks.

Liverpool World Centre logo followed by text: Empowering us all to create a just and sustainable world. Below, the text reads 'Make a world of difference. Work with us. Liverpool World Centre is recruiting for a new GLobal Learning Projects Support Officer. We are a small organisation with wide reach, aiming to be a catalyst for positive social change through our work with schools, universities, local communities, and national and international networks. To find out more, visit: The footer carries logos of different funders and partners including MRWA, IDEA, PIRC, UKRI, Oxfam, Postcode Neighbourhood Trust supported by the players of People's Postcode Lottery and the University of Liverpool.

Application process

Please read through the Job Description and Person Specification (.pdf) to understand the role and for guidance on the job application.

Application and equal opportunities monitoring forms below should be submitted by e-mail and addressed to

Application Form (.doc)

Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form (.doc)

You should be able to download and edit the form from the above links.

Deadline to apply

Applications should be submitted no later than 9 am on the morning of Monday 15th January.